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  • Instock - Relisted
    Sci-Fu TP Vol 1 New Printing
    (W/A/CA) Yehudi Mercado Set in 1980s Brooklyn, a young DJ accidentally summons a UFO that transports his family, best friend, and current crush...
    DCBS Price: $7.79
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Scott Pilgrims Precious Little Life Coloring Book TP
    (W/A/CA) Bryan Lee O'Malley You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll color between the lines! This new look at Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little...
    DCBS Price: $11.04
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Shadow Roads TP Vol 01
    (W) Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt (A/CA) Carlos Zamudio, A.C. Zamudio The world is thinnest at The Crossroads, a mythical plane that serves as a...
    DCBS Price: $12.99
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Short Order Crooks SC
    (W) Christopher Sebela, Jim Gibbons (A/CA) George Kambadais Rockwell Granger put his misspent life on the line in pursuit of cooking for a...
    DCBS Price: $12.99
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Silk Hills HC
    (W) Ryan Ferrier, Brian Level (A/CA) Kate Sherron When Beth Wills comes to Silk Hills, a small Appalachian town that's seen better days since...
    DCBS Price: $14.99
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Sixth Gun Dlx HC Vol 02
    (W) Cullen Bunn (A) Brian Hurtt, Tyler Crook (CA) Brian Hurtt Traveling by secret railroad, Becky and Drake accompany an order of mysterious...
    DCBS Price: $38.99
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Small Hours Mrs Frollein HC Collection
    (W/A) Valerie Minelli Valérie Minelli's tremendously popular Mrs. Frollein comics have been stirring emotion in people all over the world with...
    DCBS Price: $9.74
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Space Trash HC
    (W/A/CA) Jenn Woodall In 2115, Earth has been abandoned as a lost cause, and humankind has moved on to space colonization. At a decrepit high...
    DCBS Price: $13.19
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Sprite & Gardener HC
    (W) Jo Whittemore (A/CA) Rii Abrego 'Long, long ago, sprites were the caretakers of gardens. Every flower was grown by their hand. But when...
    DCBS Price: $11.69
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  • Instock - Relisted
    Tea Dragon Society Treasury Edition TP
    (W/A/CA) K. O'Neill Experience K. O’Neill’s two-time Eisner Award-winning The Tea Dragon Society larger than ever before in a new 10” x 14”...
    DCBS Price: $12.99
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