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    Firstborns #1 (of 5) Cvr A Luca Vassallo (MR)
    (W) E & E PLISSKEN (A/CA) Luca Vassallo FROM THE WRITER AND ARTIST OF 'HEAVY METAL DRUMMER': Stanley Greene wakes up in the middle of the night...
    DCBS Price: $2.39
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    Firstborns #5 (of 5) Cvr A Luca Vassallo (MR)
    *Special Discount*
    (W) E & E PLISSKEN (A/CA) Luca Vassallo Connor Hardy's gang meet their violent and inevitable fate upon encountering The Firstborns, who will put...
    DCBS Price: $1.59
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    Five Years TP Vol 02 Stalemate
    (W/A/CA) Terry Moore Using their past criminal experience, Katchoo and Tambi lead an elite team of Rachel Rising and Echo heroes to take down the...
    DCBS Price: $10.39
    You save 35%!
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    Flash Gordon #5 Cvr A Will Conrad
    (W) Jeremy Adams (A/CA) Will Conrad The man in the metal mask: Doctor Zarkov! The Unraveller destroyed Mongo and Doctor Zarkov's entire world. In...
    DCBS Price: $3.24
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    Flash Gordon Classic Collection HC Vol 01
    (W) Don Moore, Alex Raymond (A/CA) Alex Raymond Science fiction's most enduring icon Flash Gordon returns in a newly-restored edition, collecting...
    DCBS Price: $32.49
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    Flash Gordon Quarterly #2
    (W) Rich Douek, Dan DiDio (A) Various (CA) Adam Gorham An all-new Quarterly special featuring a multiverse of stories! Prince Barin, the exiled...
    DCBS Price: $4.54
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    Flatbush Zombies 3001 Prequel Odyssey TP Vol 01 (MR) (C: 0-1
    (W) Rob Markman (A) J.J. Lopez (CA) David Nakayama The official prequel to the Flatbush Zombies' hit debut album! Erick, Meech, and Juice were...
    DCBS Price: $13.99
    You save 30%!
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    Fleetway Picture Library SC Pirate Tales (C: 0-1-1)
    (A) Philip Mendoza & Various Originally published in Thriller Picture Library issues 66, 105, 108 and 145, these four tales are rendered by four...
    DCBS Price: $27.99
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    Florida Man #2 Cvr C Florida Var
    (W) Mike Baron (A) Todd Mulrooney, Elias Martins It's a special Florida Retailers Exclusive cover to Mike Baron's outrageous FLORIDA MAN #2!...
    DCBS Price: $2.59
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    Florida Man #2 Mcclain Jr Var
    (W) Mike Baron (A) Todd Mulrooney, Elias Marins (CA) Barry McClain Jr After Gary gets out of jail, his luck begins to change. His lottery numbers...
    DCBS Price: $1.79
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