Dopeman GN Vol 01 (MR)


A suspenseful new manga series from the creator of Psycho-Pass! In a Japan transformed by drugs, accompany the 'D-Unit' as they battle addicts with destructive powers. Ryo Yoshigami eradicates the metropolitan Japan that we know, as it has now become a warzone for the authorities and a new enemy. The legalization of narcotics unleashed a wave of supernatural powers among drug addicts. To battle the new enemies, the 'D-Unit' is formed comprising of detectives, who alongside the reader, are plunged into a superhuman doping conflict.

  • Publisher: Manga
  • Product Code: DEC240414
  • Expected Ship Date: 3/19/2025
  • Regular Price: $12.99
  • DCBS Price: $8.44
  • You save 35%!
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