Mighty MMW The X-Men TP Vol 04 Factor Three Romero Cover

The first class of students at Professor X's most uncanny academy - the X-Men - reach new milestones in their evolution! The team grapples with the menace of Factor Three in a massive multi-issue saga. It's a strange and mysterious story that will surprise you with its shocking conclusion! But first, the Juggernaut returns, the X-Men meet Spider-Man and the Mole Man and Tyrannus start a war of the underworlds. Also featured are the 'Origins of the X-Men' backup features that reveal the backstories of Professor X and his teen team supreme! And we're not afraid to go out with a bang: The X-Men don iconic new costumes as an added treat! Collecting X-MEN (1963) #30-39 and material from NOT BRAND ECHH (1967) #4. Ages 10-14