K Is In Trouble Again GN


Trouble finds him when a mischievous goat eats his train ticket home. Trouble finds him when he's stowed away in a barrel of apples, hiding from angry farmers. Trouble finds him as he dangles from a ridiculously high diving board in front of the entire town. Trouble even finds him through a very talkative snowman, whose chatter gets K into even more trouble. But it's not all bad news for K: The stories in this graphic novel find him reunited with an old friend, taking a restorative trip to the sea, and making the acquaintance of a young farm girl!

  • Publisher: LITTLE BROWN INK
  • Writer/Artist: Gary Clement
  • Product Code: FEB251766
  • Expected Ship Date: 4/16/2025
  • Regular Price: $14.99
  • DCBS Price: $10.49
  • You save 30%!
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