Metal Warrior TP #3 (of 9) Pskydins Descent Indoctrination To Evil With 7 In Vinyl

Rescued from despair and certain death by the ruler of the Five Galaxies, Pskydin joins the megalomaniacal Oknjar Khamoon and his twisted family, and adopts the lavish lifestyle of a prince he was denied by his father. When the elite Novarian Shield Maiden guard attempt to rescue him from the evil Oknjar and bring him home to planet Novar, will Pskydin go with them, or finally succumb fully into the seduction of darkness? Each edition of these bi-monthly graphic novels is packaged with a 7” vinyl record. This edition’s song: Pskydin’s Descent parts 1 & 2 — Filled with angst and passion, a lost and lonely Pskydin longs for power, revenge and ultimately mayhem as this epic song tells the story of the puppet master of the Five Galaxies, Oknjar Khamoon as he exploits the very angry young prince.