Original Adv Reincarnated #9 Caverns of Thracia 5E HC

A thousand-year-old dungeon mystery waiting to be solved! The end of one empire sees the birth of a new one deep within the earth. Born in the forgotten chambers and caverns of age-lost Thracia rises a formidable foe: the Minotaur King, along with his host of dogfolk, gnolls, lizardfolk and others. Some say even Death itself lingers in the Caverns of Thracia, ready to claim any who stumble upon its unholy chapel. The secrets of Thracia are manifold, its treasures thrice that. Do you have the mettle to surviveā¦ the Caverns of Thracia? The Caverns of Thracia is a complete mega-dungeon setting that supports a full-year campaign and will take characters from levels 1 through 10!