Amadeus Cho 20Th Anniversary Special #1 Leinil Yu Var

THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF AMADEUS CHO'S FIRST APPEARANCE! A TRIO OF STORIES WRITTEN BY GREG PAK EXPLORING THRILLING, MOVING AND NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN MOMENTS FROM DIFFERENT STAGES IN AMADEUS' WILD CAREER! • First, join AMADEUS, HERCULES and THE RENEGADES on the eve of WORLD WAR HULK in a story drawn by Amadeus Cho co-creator Takeshi Miyazawa! • Then return to the era of the TOTALLY AWESOME HULK as Amadeus and his sister MADDY CHO discover a long-hidden secret that might just break your heart. • And finally, Amadeus in his BRAWN era tackles a shocking new threat - and emerges in a whole new form? RATED T