Wandance GN Vol 12


With the Dance Arena Chubu Regional Qualifiers behind them, the Ichirin dance club's attention turns to the upcoming school festival, where the dance club always gives a performance. Kabo agrees to join Iori in a house routine, and he's got his heart set on performing with Wanda, too. When they put their heads together, though, they find common ground surprisingly hard to come by. A lesson in dance history from On-chan could nudge them in the right direction, but Kabo's insecurities run deeper than his style...

  • Publisher: Kodansha Comics
  • Writer/Artist: Coffee
  • Product Code: MAR251829
  • Expected Ship Date: 5/14/2025
  • Regular Price: $12.99
  • DCBS Price: $7.79
  • You save 40%!
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