Gundam Tcg Heroic Beginnings Starter Dis (6Ct) (St01) (Net)

Each Gundam Trading Card Game starter deck contains 1 Bonus Pack with 1 of 16 cards from that deck in a special full-art holographic treatment. Some decks can be found with all cards in this treatment! Heroic Beginnings is balanced Blue and White deck featuring heroes from classic and new Gundam Series Amuro Ray/Gundam and Suletta Mercury/Gundam Aerial. SEED Strike is a defensive White and Red deck with Gundam SEED cards. Featuring Kira Yamato/Aile Strike Gundam and Athrun Zala/Aegis Gundam. Wings of Advance is a ramping Green and Blue deck with Gundam Wing cards. Featuring Heero Yuy/Gundam Wing and Zechs Merquise/Tallgeese. Zeon's Rush is an aggressive Red and Green deck with Zeon and Neo-Zeon characters from Mobile Suit Gundam and Gundam Unicorn. Featuring Full Frontal/Sinanju and Char Aznable/Char's Zaku II.