Peacemaker Presents The Vigilante Eagly Double Feature #3 (of 5) Cvr B David Nakayama Card Stock Var (MR)

PEACEMAKER'S COMRADES PUT TO THE TEST! DC Studios' James Gunn steps in as story consultant for five issues of insane $%&!@#$ calamity when two fan-favorite characters share the spotlight (and equal page count)! Vigilante's hunt for the evil robot overlord who kidnapped Peacemaker has led him to the most obvious place to hide a Manchurian cyborg death machine. Inside himself! As Evergreen's crime lords reveal their plans to disinvest from their empires, it's up to Adrian to make sure they stay evil--so he has somewhere to focus his murderous urges! And on the Eagly-side of things, Chris Smith can usually juggle violence with flirting, but this time, he's doing a $&*! job keeping a buncha innocent civilians alive, so (of course) it's up to Eagly to swoop in and save the day. These @$$@$$ins are about to get their @$$es handed to them. An original DC Comics story, inspired by James Gunn's visionary Peacemaker series on MAX, ya best get ready to rumble!