Titans (2023) TP Vol 03 Hard Feelings


THE TITANS GO ALL-IN! As the Titans forge ahead with a new team leader, Donna Troy, they grapple with the aftermath of their struggle and failure to control Amanda Waller. Just when they start to find their footing, they're hit with a barrage of their worst memories. Their minds are under siege, but for what purpose? Despite the mortal and mental dangers, the new leadership is determined to help those in need, a noble goal that faces fierce opposition. As the Titans struggle to define their place within the Justice League while staying true to their identities, Deathstroke starts forming a dangerous alliance with malicious intentions. Characters like Clock King, Killer Frost, Psycho Pirate, and others become embroiled in the conflict, resulting in explosive consequences. The road ahead is uncertain, marking a pivotal chapter in the Titans' legacy. Collects TITANS #16-21.

  • Publisher: DC Comics/DC Collected Editions
  • Writer: John Layman
  • Artist: Pete Woods, Serg Acuna
  • Cover Artist: Pete Woods
  • Product Code: MAR257216
  • Expected Ship Date: 6/24/2025
  • Regular Price: $17.99
  • DCBS Price: $10.79
  • You save 40%!
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