Flex Mentallo Man of Muscle Mystery Deluxe HC (2025 Edition)(Mr)

*Special Discount*
YOU! BUY THIS BOOK NOW-- OR THE EARTH IS DOOMED! The wait is over--The Man of Muscle Mystery has returned! Born in the fertile pages of the groundbreaking series Doom Patrol, the force of nature that is Flex Mentallo was willed back into existence by the legendary creative team of New York Times best-selling writer Grant Morrison and superstar artist Frank Quitely (All-Star Superman, Batman and Robin, We3) for a special four-issue miniseries that shook the very foundations of reality! Now, this singular vision of heroism and the redemptive power of imagination is finally available in a single hardcover volume. Featuring all-new coloring as well as a special sketchbook section showcasing more than a dozen pages of behind-the- scenes material, Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery Deluxe will not only change the way you look at comics, it will alter your understanding of spacetime itself!