Marvel Thor Ragnarok Collectors Gallery Statue (Net) (C: 1-1


Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and Avengers team-member, the Hulk! Thor finds himself without his hammer or his powers and a pawn of the Grandmaster and his games... all while the clock counts down on his race against time to prevent Hela from destroying Asguard! Straight from his silver-screen appearance in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok, the Thor Collector's Gallery Statue has been digitally sculpted down the minutest detail, and hand-painted by the amazing artisans of Gentle Giant Studios. Thor wears his gladiatorial armor with helmet, cape and double swords, and features a stunning likeness of actor Chris Hemsworth. This 1:8th-scale statue of Thor is the sixth release in Gentle Giant's Marvel Collector's Gallery statue line, and can be displayed on its own, or with their upcoming Gladiator Hulk Collector's Gallery Statue! Includes a hand-numbered with Certificate of Authenticity.

  • Publisher: Toys & Models
  • Product Code: SEP172559
  • Expected Ship Date: 12/27/2017
  • DCBS Price: $137.50
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