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    Superman Adventures Lex Luthor Man of Metropolis TP
    (W) Various (A) Various (CA) Rick Burchett, Terry Austin As long as Superman has flown over the skies of Metropolis, one man has always sought to...
    DCBS Price: $5.99
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    Superman And The Authority TP
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    (W) Grant Morrison (A/CA) Mikel Janin A new Authority for a new era! Sometimes even Superman needs to enlist help. Sometimes tasks require...
    DCBS Price: $8.49
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    Superman Batman Omnibus HC Vol 02
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    (W) Various (A) Various (CA) Francis Manapul Writers: Michael Green, Mike Johnson, Joe Casey, Paul Levitz, And Others Artists: Shane Davis,...
    DCBS Price: $62.50
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    Superman Birthright The Deluxe Edition HC
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    (W) Mark Waid (A/CA) Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan What makes a farm boy from Kansas decide to become a costumed superhero who divides his...
    DCBS Price: $24.99
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    Superman By Kurt Busiek HC Book 02
    *Special Discount*
    (W) Kurt Busiek (A) Various (CA) Renato Guedes, Jose Wilson Magalhaes THE MAN OF TOMORROW FACES HIS GREATEST CHALLENGES YET! Art by Renato...
    DCBS Price: $24.99
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    Superman Lost TP
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    (W) Christopher Priest (A) Various (CA) Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz Art by Carlo Pagulayan, Lee Weeks, Jason Paz, and Others A stunning collection...
    DCBS Price: $12.49
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    Superman Son of Kal-El TP Vol 02 The Rising
    *Special Discount*
    (W) Tom Taylor (A) Various (CA) Dan Mora Art by Cian Tormey, Bruno Redondo, Steve Pugh, Clayton Henry, and others With his father, Clark Kent,...
    DCBS Price: $8.49
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    Superman The One Who Fell TP
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    (W) Phillip Kennedy Johnson (A) Phil Hester, Scott Godlewski, Norm Rapmund (CA) John Timms The last days of the Man of Steel? When a monstrous...
    DCBS Price: $7.99
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    Superman The Silver Age Omnibus HC Vol 01
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    (W) Various (A) Various (CA) Curt Swan, Stan Kaye Written by Otto Binder, Bill Finger, Jack Schiff, Jerry Siegel, and others Art by Wayne Boring,...
    DCBS Price: $50.00
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    Superman TP Box Set
    *Special Discount*
    (W) Various (A) Various SIX OF THE MAN OF STEEL'S GREATEST TALES! This slipcase box set includes six softcover editions of beloved Superman...
    DCBS Price: $42.49
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